The mind must be cultivated, creative faculties exercised, eye educated, and the hand trained to obey the will ; and in no other way can success be achieved.
True art finds no expression by indirect or vicarious methods ; and perfunctory attempts are trivial, insincere, and worthless. Numerous illustrations abound where a manifest disregard of the very first principles of decoration is evident, and where china-painting has been indulged in with a reckless indifference, and in utter defiance to every requirement of art.
It is entirely due to these immature and futile efforts of gross ignorance, that never rise beyond the dead level of mediocrity, that the art of china-painting has sometimes been brought into disrepute. There exists no valid reason why the standard of the china-painter should not be elevated to the highest point of excellence, and its results favorably compare with the most meritorious and finest works of art.
To accomplish this, the very first desideratum is learning to draw ; and any one can learn to draw who can learn to write. Nature is the best teacher, and furnishes the best models.
There is no royal road to learn any art, trade, science, or profession ; and those who have achieved proficiency, with corresponding fame and fortune,