Carmine Nos. 2 and 3 would be even to strong for No. 1.
Carmine is a sensitive color, and is easily smirched from contact with an unclean brush or a soiled knife. Clean turpentine is therefore, essential in conjunction with carmine. Some even go to the extent of having separate brushes for carmine ; for if the slightest tinge of green or yellow or blue remain in the brush it will impart it to carmine. but as brushes and palette knife can both be thoroughly cleansed in alcohol, the same brush will answer for all colors, if these precautionary measures are carefully adopted.
As a matter of fact, the utmost care and cleanliness must be observed in every particular in connection with china-painting tools and implements. The victim of untidiness is betrayed, for his sins will surely find him out.
next chapter BRUSHES