Friday, July 23, 2010

Other Accessories page 83

The two best shapes are those as represented in cuts 16 and 17. not shown Either will answer the purpose. No. 16 is entirely new in size, being a 2 1/2 inch blade, while its shape is the old familiar regulation spatula.


A lithographic pencil is most frequently use to draw the design in free hand on china. This is especially useful where it is done in a quick, light, sketchy manner, where the outline is simply indicated, without regard to finished detail. In painting over it, as soon as the brush comes in contact with the drawing every vestige will disappear.

The drawing with a lithographic pencil is obliterated so easily, that it is not to be recommended to those who would become confused by any loss of outlines, and unable to proceed without the drawing.
For this class it is advisable to make the drawing secure, by doing it with India ink. carmine, or any vegetable color, may be substituted, provided it is a water-color. These will all fire away, and possess the additional advantage of remaining intact during painting. The mineral-colors are mixed with oil, the sketching-colors with water ; therefore, it is obvious that, as oil and water don not readily mix, the drawing remains.