held across the plaque steadily, which will give firm support to the painting hand.
A rest for brushes will be found a convenient adjunct. It is made of china, is fine inches long, and its object is to keep the brushes in use from being bent, or coming in contact with any foreign matter if thrown down promiscuously, When doing some pieces of work, it may be found necessary to dry the painting quickly and repeatedly, in order to proceed. A spirit or alcohol lamp is convenient for this purpose..
A small jeweller's lamp with a handle is suitable ; it is light in weight, and easily moved to and fro over the painting without fear of smoking or cracking the china, which is probably would do if kept in one place.
Where a kiln or oven is accessible, the lamp may be dispensed with. china may be set in an oven attached either to the kitchen rage or a gas stove, to dry, with perfect freedom. Should the oven be so hot as to scorch the color, there is no reason to be disturbed over it..It will eventually be all right when it is fired, as it will be subjected to much more intense heat than is obtainable in any ordinary oven.
An alcohol lamp is handy for warming gold, if