Sunday, April 11, 2010


However, there is really no necessity for this combination ; for greens are to be procured from the manufacturer, and not mixed on the palette.

Deep blue green is the axure of heraldry, and is also introduced in flesh tones, If used for tinting, or a very pale color is aimed at, it should be fluxed, or have a modicum of light sky blue, a soft glazing color. added to it.

Sky blue and air blue are both used for skies ; and, as they both fuse at a low temperature, are frequently introduced for the glazing qualities, in stead of flux.

Flux does not strictly belong to the list of colors, as it is white ; but as it is an important ingredient, and in a more or less degree exists in all colors, it is perhaps necessary to explain its use, that the beginner may understand its peculiar properties, and be able to use it intelligently. To be able to manage the refluxing of colors successfully requires, first, some knowledge of the essential characteristics of flux ; secondly, individual experience. The first may be, to a certain extent, explained ; the second is only acquired by experiment.

Flux is the medium by which the color is united, in the kiln, to the glaze of the china ; without flux, color would not fuse to any vitreous body. All colors, therefore, are fluxed when manufactured,