Sunday, July 25, 2010


This a japanned tin box, and is fitted with lid or cover, which prevents rapid evaporation. A smaller box fits inside, with a sieve in the middle. Brushes can receive a thorough cleansing in this box, without disturbing the sediment at the bottom. A wire fastened across the top is to press out the superfluous turpentine.


If a design is to be copied exactly, tracing-paper with facilitate the process. In conjunction with the tracing paper, there is often used a colored carbon or transferring-paper. Red or black is preferable. Both of these, however, have a soft, smutty surface, and make with the slightest pressure a think, heavy mark, that is very undesirable. It is almost impossible to use it for fine work, like an intricate geometrical border, with thin, narrow lines, or for features of a small face, as in a Cupid.

There is a much better way of tracing and transferring the design to be painted, - a way in which this impression paper is dispensed with altogether. This methods is not only easier and cleaner, but gives better and more accurate results.