Tuesday, July 13, 2010

page 80

intervals, and reserve the rest of the space for mixing tints and trying the brush.

Another palette, quite convenient if powder colors are used, consists of a china box, with a lid. This box contains a number of little hemispherical spaces or sunken wells, to hold the colors.

This has on special advantage, inasmuch as, having a cover to protect the colors from dust, it may be kept quite clean, and in good condition for use for a long time. The lid may be utilized to mix colors upon ; although a tile is much more desirable, and will be found very convenient in conjunction with this sort of palette.

Still another palette much in vogue, and to be recommended in preference to any other, especially for those who paint constantly, is a double slant. This contains slanting spaces to hold a dozen colors, six on each side : and, being on an